Friday, September 21, 2012

How to use WhatsApp for PC [WORKING]

Now a days everyone is having  WhatsApp installed on their phones but those who don't have I have find this way.

Steps to follow :-
1.) Go to  and click on download button. Its a Android App for PC.
2.) Then save the file and then install.
2.) Open Bluestacks home screen
3.) Type in the search box WhatsApp
4.) Wait for the screen to complete loading

Saturday, September 1, 2012

||How to update status on Facebook in BLUE color?||

Today Everyone on the facebook is amazing to see that some people update status in blue color on facebook so i am here to reveal the trick behind this

Steps for Posting Blue Status on Facebook :
1. Go to and Login with your Credentials.

2. Now go to update status link and paste below code, and change the text saying YOUR TEXT HERE with your own text you want in blue color like.
                                                @[1: ]@@[1:[0:1: Your Text Here ]]